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TERMS OF REFERENCE Development of user-friendly versions of the Assessment Report of the SISTAS’ Club Initiative

TERMS OF REFERENCE Development of user-friendly versions of the Assessment Report of the SISTAS’ Club Initiative


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Adolescents and youth in Ghana face considerable challenges in terms of their health, education, employment and empowerment. Adolescent girls are particularly more vulnerable. Ghana currently has a child marriage prevalence rate of 19% with one out of five girls being married before their eighteenth birthday (MICS, 2017/18).

As part of efforts to address issues related to child marriages in Ghana, the UNFPA CO as a beneficiary of the UNFPA-UNICEF Global Programme to Accelerate Actions to End Child Marriage has been implementing targeted interventions with both government and civil society organizations since in 2015.


Consequently through collaborative partnership with the Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG), an integrated safe space model for girls known as the SISTAS initiative in selected districts in the Northern, Upper East, Upper West, Ashanti, Central and Volta regions has been implemented and assessed. The assessment of the model was to analyze its overall effectiveness and benefits as well as gaps in order to identify appropriate approaches, best practices and to support a robust programming model. The detailed report has the following sections:

  • Executive summary
  • Methodology including :
  • Desk activity
  • Pre-field activity
  • Fieldwork
  • Data analysis
  • Challenges


  • Demographic profile of respondents.
  • Health seeking behavior
  • Child marriage, teenage pregnancy, rape and vulnerabilities
  • Establishment and functioning of SISTAs’ clubs
  • Partnership structures and mechanisms
  • Gaps, challenges and lessons learnt
  • Sustainability and replicability
  • Summary, conclusions and recommendations




Purpose of Consultancy


In order to share the findings of the assessment with relevant stakeholders (Policy makers, State institutions, CSOs, Implementing Partners, Community members, Traditional/Religious Authorities, District Assemblies and decentralized structures such as GHS, GES, DoG, DOVVSU, Opinion leaders, Club Facilitators, Mentors, PPAG offices, etc) including members of the clubs and for educational purposes on engaging adolescent girls, simplified and reader-friendly versions that project the major aspects of the initiative/model are required.


The materials produced will be shared with all the stakeholders as both information and advocacy materials.



The purpose of this consultancy is therefore to produce various reader friendly versions of the SISTAS’ assessment report with the target stakeholders in mind and as part of data and evidence generation on what works at scale to accelerate ending Child Marriage in the country under the Global Child Marriage Programme.


The reader friendly versions should comprise of innovative and creative materials/package (e.g. Report brief, fact sheets, infographics, good practices pack, info pack, paraphernalia, etc) on major sections such as results, lessons, etc.


Proposal Deliverables


Interested applicants are therefore requested to submit proposals indicating, but not limited to the following the deadline specified below:


  1. Proposal outlining the methodology for the development of the user friendly materials summarizing the report
  2. Outlined innovative strategies/ ideas on the appropriate materials/packages to produce as the reader-friendly versions that will be able to capture the major highlights of the report to be used for the intended educational and advocacy purposes
  3. Samples of similar reader-friendly products developed or that will be developed
  4. A user friendly guide outlining strategies to be used to ensure the materials are effective
  5. A report on the development processes
  6. Corresponding detailed budget    









Consultancy Deliverables/Expected Results


The consultant is expected to:

  1. Deliver soft copies of the final user friendly products in printable formats for further processing


Duration of Consultancy


The consultancy is expected to be completed within an approximate period of one month with timelines for assigned tasks outlined as follows:



Indicative Date

Start of assignment

 10th October 2019

Inception report

 14th October 2019

Submission of draft documents to UNFPA

 21st October 2019

UNFPA to provide comments by

 25th October 2019

Soft copy submission of final materials

  31st October 2019


Work Setting


The consultant/institution will perform the tasks assigned from her/his home or office, and will not require office space in the UNFPA Country Office .




UNFPA will retain copyright status of the output materials and any additional documentation or information gathered during the consultancy period. Approval by UNFPA will be required before the material can be released for reproduction in any format.


Qualifications and Experiences Required


The consultant/institution will have basic qualifications and related experience as follows:

  • Professional experience in the development and production of educational and communication materials with focus in the area of gender equality/gender and development, population dynamics and development and reproductive health and rights
  • Professional experience in research and engagement in Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
  • Understanding of UNFPA’s work in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights 
  • Experience in writing and editing reports for use at national and international levels
  • Advanced degree in Social Sciences , Public Health or the equivalent in professional experience is desirable
  • Fluency in oral and written English and computer literate
  • Competency in data analysis
  • Ability to use a neat, concise and clear style in writing with creativity and aesthetics.
  • An experience in using innovative approaches, using graphics, charts etc. to summarize a report’s key content.
  • Experience in computer software programmes is an advantage

Kindly send your resume, interest letter and a corresponding detailed budget to: ghana.office@unfpa.org


For copies of the Assessment Report on the SISTAS initiative, please visit the UNFPA Ghana website:  ghana.unfpa.org .



Deadline for submission of proposals: 1st October, 2019 at noon.